How come???
When you are single there is a baron desert?
When you are sort of involved in cool way, the offers come in?
Oh thanks btw for the comments on boo, really helped me
Oh crap!
When you are single there is a baron desert?
When you are sort of involved in cool way, the offers come in?
Oh thanks btw for the comments on boo, really helped me
Posted by
2:39 am
Happy or sad?
You will note the date and probably the time I am writing this. Its been on my mind a while as the date has seemed to have come around so quickly yet seems an age ago now.
Seems like it was years since I was chatting with Boo, not sure why, as there is not many a day when I do not think about her, some thing happens and I think oh I must tell her she will laugh and then I remember Boo has gone. Then I think how lucky I have been to have known such a kind and giving person, even if for a short time, some people dont get that all their lives.
I like to think that everything happens for a reason, we meet people for a reason, we have our life stuff for a reason. I just can not think why she had to pass though and I wish and wish I had known her sooner. I wish I had done more to help her when she needed it most, but as we all know she never really told us how difficult it had got or how ill she was, I am sad about that.
Some times I find myself talking to her in my head, asking her what I should do and ask her for a sign, maybe wishful thinking but I do always get them in one way or the other. Maybe I will see a bird that she liked or some lettering that has her name, its hard to explain and yeah maybe I have been looking for it, but I can and will not accept that her soul and spirit has demised with her body. Boo has to be out there some where, probably not playing a harp or chasing the devil, but her spirit was so strong she cant be gone I just can not think that she is not the wind whistling in the trees, or the bird song that wakes me up at silly o'clock.
I do think of the good stuff I read her blog and laugh at her humour and wit and I want to celebrate her life. My thoughts are also with her family they must miss her so much I know we do.
A great lady passed a year ago, pleas do take the time even if just one minute and remember her. Also please leave a comment about your best boo moment. I would love to read them and remember them.
As for you boo, I think about you, you know I still talk to you and I am sorry for asking lots from you. But I miss you.
I miss you
I miss you
Posted by
12:18 am
I know.....but there has been so much going on its been unreal!! Ok point form will be easier..
1. I have been ill, its been combination of stress, being run down getting all bugs going and not having any time off since September!! So had some time off to re-charge the old batteries. I am feeling much better now tho!
2. Phillip and family are back! Been spending time with them, trying to help as much as I can...Nata has been great and we spend most time together...but it is hard as she cries when ever I leave...really pulls on the heart strings, but I am so pleased they are here. I have my family back and I love them immensely.
3. Work busy busy busy 6 day weeks, but hey its overtime.
4, Man...yeah still on scene and all I can say is its good and I enjoy what we have.
5. 3 hogs up in the garden, Ruby still asleep..still not sure what to do with her as yet, but as it has been cold not too worried.
6. Few arguments with bt and the billing, but Im trying not to get stressed these days ha ha
7. Hayfever kicking in, which is lovey!
8. I have review soon with doc and I want to start reducing the pills, I feel ready.
9. Life is moving on at 200 mphs, which is cool but some times I miss the slow stuff.
10. Boo will be gone a year on the 20th.....seems such an age ago now, but I know she is keeping an eye on us all.
well, think thats all for now, will try and update more often, but well...I will try
Posted by
10:55 pm
Yeah the sex fairy did come.....mind I was looking scarlett underwear, painted nails and toe up with tumbling curls and an oriental style dressing robe (short)...he was lost for words when he came in...candles lit we had a goooooood time!!
Still im not going to move too fast and I will take each day as it comes...but I cant get the smile of my face expecially with the texts he sends...mmm
Anyway, ruby still asleep, but 2 hogs up in the garden...yay! Checked em both over and they are fine.....good news all round I would back to that smiling..
Posted by
9:28 pm
Forgot to update!! Uhm well where shall we start? Was trying to think of the last update I said he was coming round....well I did not feel well so went to bed..ha ha!!! Think too much excitement?
Anyway, he came monday and it was cool, talked and stuff........
Still not sure what is happening but I am happy to be in his company for now...oh and OMG!!!
Posted by
1:40 am