oh forgot to say
Ruby will be released soon...
Phills pond has had frogs and now I will become a frog mum..yay
Oh crap!
Ruby will be released soon...
Phills pond has had frogs and now I will become a frog mum..yay
Posted by
8:27 pm
I do actually feel better today, so what to do? I know after talking to oc and Jan last night I joined one of them online dating sites!!! Yeah it must be the beechams.....I have had 2 messages already! Although not sure that it will come of any good, there is one chap on there that is cute I have sent him a message so we will have to wait and see.
Other chap I should be meeting up with soon, but as I said im not thinking owt will come of it as there are lots of issues....as ever with me, shame as he is sooooo sexy!!
Oh well going to have some more chocolate...its medicinal you know!
Posted by
3:07 pm
Yup again I am layed up with a massive head cold that is in my sinus, head, teeth, gums, neck etc etc.. Not feeling good at all, been off work but hope to be back tomorrow.
I will catch up with other stuff when I am feeling more human....
Posted by
8:37 pm
The laptop just isnt right for processing the photos. Not that I took that many today as the light was ok for a while but soon went crappy. Still got a lot done in the house and Im going to phills soon to do some office work.
There is something else that I am really wanting to talk about, but I cant as yet. Yes it does involve a man, but not sure as to whether it will be just mates as yet. But well I cant say anymore!!!!
Posted by
2:48 pm
Until I goto Gym ball so as I was on the internet updating the norton, thought I would update here too! I know I am crap at doing this now, but it is a good thing really as I am filling my life with all sorts of other stuf now, down side is I am normally going at 100 mphs to get every thing done, but when I do have some down time I hate it. I hate being sat doing nothing, just cant do it. I am actually thinking about getting some more activities going so I really am being fully active, after all we are only here once arnt we?
Some strange things have been hapening in my sleep, not only have I been scrtatching myself again, but I also woke up the other morning styling my hair! Last night I slept on my arm, but also had a really weird muscle thing going on, I couldnt even turn over, but as I was fine this morning when I woke up im not so sure that it wasnt just sleep pain? Or have I been wandering again? Who knows huh?
Think I said on an earlier blog that I am single again and looking if there are any single bloggers out there that would like to have friendship, fun and maybe more?!?!? Seriously though, im fine about it, plus there is no point in me settling for anything but the right person for me, even if the old biological clock is ticking so loud it keeps me awake at nights! I have even considered sperm donation. Not sure if I am quite at that level as yet, but I certainly would not rule it out. I am more than capable of bringing up a child on my own, but would prefer for the kid to know who its dad was, still think I have a couple or so years as yet to consider that one!
I am encouraged from others on here that are also taking their life back, wont mention any names but they will know who they are. Really makes me happy to see others getting out there and enjoying life and love again, such a buzz it really is.
You can probably tell from this blog that things arnt so bad right now, altho I do often wonder if its he fact that I am on a higher doesage 150mg or that life is actually not too bad right now. Guess wont know that one as im not due to come off the pills as yet!
Think I also have a solution to the screen and photos problem, think I can plug direct into my tv, which is a much bigger and better screen so will look as to what type of lead I need then get it and try it. Which means I can start getting some more photos on here again, which will be great as ive run out of memory cards! Plus sping is coming so more opportunities of nice weather, I hope!
I did an overaul of the garden last w/e stripped down the wildness a bit, cut the budlea, which bought me out in a rash on my face and loads of spots! Dug over the veg plot ready for planting son. Got rid of some of the weeds as they were taking over some what. Hope for some more nice weather as I want to plant some of the trees I have in pots into the ground, but dare not do it right now as there has been so many nights with a sharp frost, it will kill the roots. I also want to move the clematis too, but think I am too late for that this year now as it has started to leaf already!
Phill is off to Baku soon to bring back wife and child, that will be great as he will be much happier and content, plus I will have more of a chance to improve my russian! There will be lots to sort out, but its a good job that I am a sorter outerer!
Ok, thats enough for now, need to get changed etc..
Posted by
6:15 pm
Last year I had squirrells trying to live in the loft, managed to keep them away and out the loft and blocked up the holes. Now they seem to be back, ok at first it was a great excuse to get men folk in my house and up a ladder, with me being scared and needing rescuing at the bottom of a ladder. Yeah I have been up there but shushhh. They seemed to have moved on but now sat here I can here something up there again! Oh well best try and get a man round..
Talking of men im yet again sigle, it just did not work out, but its ok as I wasnt really thinking that it would, still plenty of more men I can try ha ha!
What else...stuff seems to be getting to me very easily right now, I can read some thing and get annoyed and want to vent my anger, but as I am normally quite a chilled gal it stops me. I just cant take people that are up there own arses and talk shite and are full of their own importance, just pisses me off really. Its the whole artificialness of it all, not sure that is an actual word but I like it!
Still I choose not to go there so guess I just have to put up and shut up.
Catch up....went out last saturday had fun night, had some friends round friday night which was cool. No plans for this w/e...he he have to share, just had the loudest fart ever! Im in fits here.
Uhm where was I, of yeah, no plans this w/e I am hoping for some nice weather as I would like to get out in the fresh air and get some photos done, the only problem is this lap top as the screen isnt that great and when I was processing some the other day I just wasnt happy with them even tho I knew they were ok, so I have memory cards full and I need to really sort some thing out to process. I am also hoping to at some point get to the beach whilst its still winter and get some scenic shots, we will see...
Posted by
9:15 pm
Jusr weighed her now 1380g's!!! She is blinkin huge!!!
Posted by
9:42 pm
Well it started off ok, wasnt up late didnt feel to tired, small ache from period pain, not too bad, weather wasnt fantastic, but hey ho. Went outside like I normally do, no dramas. In the shower, got all wet and shmpoo'd, damn forgot to bring hair conditioner in with me, out the shower, nearly slipped over went to the kitchen got it back in the shower. Noticed in mirror I have been scratching my fore head again in my sleep, now notice its sore and also looks like ive been attacked! Went out to see Ruby, cleaned her out, caught my arm on a nail...ouch! Also got poo all over my hands too.
Went to work, all ok on the way there, had really crap day, just all crap crap crap! Havnt heard from man either, which has peturbed me some what! Now the small period ache is turning into cramps like you would not imagine! Decided to go home early, just finshing off a few bits, got call from Phills next door neighbour, they have heard some one in his house...FUCK. Told them to call the police and would be there as soon as. Got lift over here, no one about, but door was open as was the shed, looked over but seemed ok. Spoke to phill, decided I would stay here tonight, he should be back tomorrow. Went back to mine, got some clothes etc. As soon as I stepped out to walk the mile back to his, the heavens openend up and I am now piss wet through. Not a happy bunny, plus every noise in this very noisey house is making me jump, just know I wont sleep tonight, still I have some numbers on stand by in case anything does happen and a friend of mine lives just up the road.
I am going to order a take away, have a cup of tea and try to relax.......just wonder what else will happen today! Oh and I am sure I am up to date on my tetnus jabs!!
Posted by
6:25 pm
I am round Phills catching up on his invoicing, bill payments and vat, it was more work thatn I thought I had to do, never mind all caught up now!
Man update, did see him over w/e but im not too sure about this one, I have decided to take a back seat for a while and see how it transpires, but im not really thinking this will be the "love" of my life or owt like that. We will definatly have to see on this one.
Had Alex round saturday night for his birthday dinner, lots of fun and laughs as usual, another late night tho, having too many of them so I am taking it easy today, well after here, shopping, home, housework, change bed, gym ball, dinner then bed! Hmm best get wriggle on as soon be time to goto gym ball, plus I really need to shave my legs too as it looks like a million spiders have taken up residence on them!
Oh and I am also thinking about taking a short break some where in March, but not sure on that one as yet, I am just really missing the sunshine, BIG TIME. I think it will really help if I can get some for a week, dont care where it is as long as there is no grey miserable skies and just some bright sunshine...will think on that one.
uhm not sure there is anything else to update really..
Posted by
3:00 pm