03 August 2006

Back to normal

I dont feel like I have moaned enough lately on here, its been all fluffy white clouds and photos, hardly any moaning at all, lets see if we can rectify that.

Top 5 things that are currently grating me

1. The fact that this last couple of weeks, everything in the house seems to want to either break, or have an issue

2. Utility companies scaring me with red bills, due to the fact their system went down

3. My current performance at work

4. That another w/e will be taken over doing business stuff

5. My watch is too big for my wrist.

Not much of a list is it. I do hope I havnt lost the ability to moan about stuff!! Lets think some more...

Top 5 things that I could scream about

1. Still has to be trolleys just being abandoned randomly

2. My inability to remember shopping I need until Im at the check out or at home

Oh my god Ive run out of stuff to moan and scream about. Wonder if Im coming down with something, throats a bit sore, glands are achy. Yes that must be it Im sickening for something.


The Quacks of Life said...


who has stolen Nic?

nicola said...

Dont know but I wish they would give her back!!

Wonder if there will be a ransom note?

Boo said...

We will pay it Nic!

nicola said...

hey boo where you been?