18 May 2007


Quick catch up, firstly id forgotten how I dislike using laptops, guess I will be ok over the next few days, but I dont like typing on them that much....still I have it for a few days.

Ok the pc has gone to the pc hospital and hopefully should be back next week all fixed again. Hog is still at the vets, but not doing well at all, they will call me and let me know what is happening, but if the infection has got into her brain then as hard as it is for me to say it, it would be kinder to have her put to sleep as quality of life will be very poor, she couldnt walk at all was just siting shaking and sort of rocking from side to side as she could move her legs. We will see....

Got two photos up on the site I was telling you about, would like to put more, but with no pc and all the rain in the world its been a bit tough to say the least. I might try downloading some on here, but then phill will moan so might just wait until the pc is fixed then have a mad photo session! Ive got plenty of memory cards so probably wont fill them all.

Not sure what I will be doing this w/e, house is in a state again so im sure that will be done at some point and I may even have to iron!!!

Oh well im sick of typing on this now, so will go catch up with a few things...........

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