09 September 2006

It didnt work

The wine didnt do its job at all, im still going down, river of blue still threatening to drown me. Whats worse is I have to go out tonight, do the pretending im "happy" thing. Too be honest I would rather stay at home, but I dont think I have that option. Theres a surprise me not doing or being able to do what I want to do.

Thanks for all your comments again, I dont know whats going to happen, whether it will be a trip to the doctors, or I just try and ride it out. I will be back on my own next week, whether thats a good or bad thing we will have to see. I just want to feel happy again.


Boo said...

The only problem with wine is that it makes you feel mellow for a short while, then you sober up!

Go to the doctor Nic, that will be so much better long term.

Anonymous said...

Nic, you will be happy again, trust Marje PROOPS