02 September 2006


Can you hear it?

Strain your ears now, really listen...

Yup its the sound of silence, no tv whoo hooo.

Been given a reprieve, a few hours off.

Well the last few days have been ok'ish. Its a bit odd having some one here again. I have enjoyed my own space a fair bit. Its nice to come home and be able to do whatever I want, not have to the bloody tv on too. Oh I do sound mean and selfish I know, plus Im sure it will get easier with time.

Now I just need to know his plans and what he intends to do. He is going to see some-one next week about some work, so should have some more news next week.

Oh I got a parcel this morning from OC! Took me an age to get through the cellotape!!! Its a wonderful dream catcher, Ive hung it near the window, plus Ive now got a woman stone too. Lets hope it helps me be strong over the next few weeks....thanks OC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one OC!

Get some good dreams in Nic :-)