11 September 2006

Well now ive got something else to moan about, woke this morning with a stinking head cold, that has progressivly got worse through out the day. My under nose is now all sore and red, my finger nail is half black from where it got squished saturday night, the nail is lifting a little but think (hope) it doesnt come off.

Camera appears to work again, so have put some photos of the lovely gifts I got. I feel so tired again, trying to resist the urge to crawl back into bed and draw the curtains else I will always do that. Also trying to make sure I eat, I know it sounds silly but even eating becomes a chore and I end up just picking or snaking rather than having a proper meal, although right now I cant taste anything anyway. The house is empty again, so very quiet. Oh well I need to keep busy, then I can watch tv..


Boo said...

Nic. So sorry to hear you have a head cold, you must feel miserable.

Glad you had some nice pressies.

At least with the house empty, you can do as you please.

Anonymous said...

Nic, I am thinking of you. And I am just a phonecall away...

Big hug