28 September 2006


well at least I managed to be on time today, well ish. Sometimes in the morning all I seem to do is fanny about with out actually doing anything. Probably as Im still half asleep, but mainly as I hate getting ready for work, the whole up in the shower, eat breakfast, get dressed, put make up on, try to do something with hair that looks like I havnt just washed it and left it, which is actually what I do. Then its usually a dash round the house whilst trying to clean teeth, put shoes on, make sure ive got everything, find key, then leave. Actually once I did get to the road and realised I still had toothbrush in my mouth!

Anyway today has been bloody awful, not only work wise, but injury wise too. Some how ( I dont know ) ive managed to cut two of my fingers, only realised when I saw the blood, so im sporting plasters. Then as I was coming out the toilet, my foot stopped the door but my head kept going, BANG. One of my colleagues then trod on my foot, which ok that hurt, but as I was saying OW, he grabbed my arm to say sorry, but didnt realise he was pinching my arm, im saying OW OW OW OW, he thought I was owing over my foot where as in fact it was my arm that was hurting the most :( Then I was getting an envelope and bashed my knuckles on the metal shelves....To top it all off, its lady time!!!! (sorry chaps)

So im feeling sorry for myself, going to make a hot water bottle in a bit, as tummy is quite hurting, plus I feel sick too and my headhurts...............you know where to leave sympathy :)


Anonymous said...


Boo said...

Awwwww poooooor you! Hope yo are feeling better later.

Loved Janine's joke, she should send it to Dawn! Sbe could score points over you know who!