25 October 2006

Its Wednesday!

What a miserable day too, its one of those drizzly days. Woke up this morning, sprang out of bed (ok not so much sprang as sauntered) looked out the window, not going out. I know its only rain, but when its all dreary and drizzly just puts me off. My excuse and Im sticking too it.

Ive pottered about the house, trying to get some order back into it, tidied up the front beds etc.. So more of a pottering day really. I will set up the camera in a bit, but the garden is fairly quiet too. The window cleaner has been (no thats not why Im smiling) This always prompts me to do the insides too, but think they can wait a wee while longer.

I really need to go shopping, im going to a house warming party on Saturday night, some-one from work, for some odd reason I thought it was just work people going for a meal, I found out yesterday there will be random young men going too. Men I dont know for that matter. Guess I can pick something up from town after work on Saturday (joy). Well thats about it for now, if I manage some photos I will post them later.

For those of you who are reading this whilst being at work....Thats not what you are paid for......get on with your work!!!


Anonymous said...

window cleaner putting a smile on your face, random young men attending a party you're going to... wahey, Nicola... can't wait for your blog entry after the weekend! :-) as for the work thing, i didn't take my lunch break today, so i don't feel guilty. :-)

nicola said...

awww honey you know how shy I am around men....

The Quacks of Life said...


oldcrow61 said...


nicola said...

I AM I AM I AM!!!!!!!!!!!