17 October 2006

Things that go light in the night

Well ive been very tired of late, trying to be good and getting some early nights in. However I dont always manage to fall asleep until the normal time that I would goto bed, but I suopse my body is resting so cant be a bad thing.

Anyway was about 12.15 am. My mind is racing wuth stuff as normal. I sleep with the bedroom door open mostly unless its really cold then its shut. Im laid in bed when all of a sudden the most brightest light comes into the living room. My first thoughts are im dreaming. Minute passes, then im thinking OK its still there and there is a strange noise too. OMG its aliens!!! No cant be aliens they would have shown their faces (if they have them) by now. OMG its my time, this is the bright light that people say they see when they have a near death experience.

Now I have two choices, I can turn over hide under my duvet, or walk towards the light. Well in my head its STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT!!! But natural curiosity gets me up. Throw something on, well if im going to meet the maker I shouldnt be nude right? Armed with a can of deodrant (I have no idea, maybe incase it was an attacker and he didnt smell nice ?!?!)

Off I went to investigate.......you will never guess what I found, but do leave your guesses I will finish this later........


flicker said...

Oooh Nicola, don't leave me in suspenders all day - I shan't be back on here for hours!

Erm, it was Rocky with a torch, asking to come back in?

It was ET wanting to use the phone?

It was a Jehovah's Witness?

Okay I give up now. :o) Jan

flicker said...

OOh I've thought of a more sensible one now - the tv had switched itself on?

Anonymous said...

It's like that saving energy ad that's on telly at the moment, where all the lights come on in the middle of the night!?

A torch would have been my guess, but it can't be. You wouldn't be this calm if someone shone into your living room with a torch.

What was it, Nic?

The Quacks of Life said...

you have a light that is on a timer and the timer had been knoked???

the neighbour left his headlights on.....

nicola said...

Im afraid you are all wrong.....try thinking outside the box ;)

oldcrow61 said...

I'm thinking it may have been the moon.

Janine said...

Police helicopter shining search light?
(Jan- a jehovah's witness, LOL)

Boo said...

OI, come on put us out of our misery!

Police with strong torch checking up because of "flashers"? lol

Janine said...

An epiphany.