08 October 2006

w/e update

Well havnt been up to much to be fair, done a lot of books and accounting stuff, against my wishes I may add, but has to be done as well as tax returns too, all very much big yawn stuff!

Today I was up fairly early for me on a Sunday, Im not sleeping that well again, so many weird dreams, not really horrible ones as such, but ones that make you wake up and question your sanity.

Today was a clean the house sort of day, oh god I really am turning into my mother, its a sad fact that we all do eventually. I now get excited about dusters and cleaning stuff!

My mind is very active too tonight, too active really, so many questions and thoughts going round and round and round. Im dreading actually trying to sleep tonight, this is when I get really bad nightmares and normally end up with some one trying to murder me, or along those lines.

Well its Monday tomorrow, god I hate Mondays, must be my worse day of the week, for a whole number of reasons really. I hate that Sunday feeling too, when you know its Monday coming up, that dread that sinking feeling in your tummy.

Oh well, nowt I can do about it, so will brave the day with vigor and think of 5 pm!


flicker said...

Hope things turned out better than you expected nic, how awful for you.

If you get excited about cleaning and dusters, you are welcome to visit here anytime!

Can you let me know what settings you have on the Comments page, as mine seems to have disappeared ie it doesn't say No Comments any more and there doesn't seem to be a way of adding any to my latest post? I've tried altering different stuff, but still can't get it back. :(

Boo said...

Well, Nic the day is nearly over, only 4.5 hours to go!

I noticed that Jan, I tried to post a comment on yours last night.