05 October 2007

Man flu!

I have it! Not surprised as I have one at home with it, plus one at work who has it, I was bound to get it! Of course now its in a woman it is a cold so we just get on with it, mind im feeling quite crappy this morning!

Didnt manage to get on last night as my evening didnt go to plan. Went walking up the lakes with Jane, was walking round and a dog (boxer) started to follow us, I thought its owners were behind us so didnt think that much too it. Until I looked round and saw no owners! We walked round twice and still the dog followed, a very good dog, didnt bother other dogs or anything, had a little sniff then ran away up to us again.

Got to a bench and as we was about to be approaching the road, I used my best Barbara Woodhouse voice and managed to grab him. Oscar luckily had a name tag and phone number, so called his mum and found out where they lived, uhm about 3 miles away!!!!! Put Oscar in the front seat with me, then had dog slather all over me, gross! We took him back to his house, apparently the window cleaner had left the gate open and he had run off, he has done this before. I did have visions of taking Oscar home, phill would not have been please with that.

This knocked my evening out and had dinner late, we had a casserole, so that took time to do. Cleaned out hog food box in the dark, then was just knackered after my very early start! Little hog is getting bigger, not surprised the amount he is eating and the lack of walking he does! Checked him over last night and all is well, so thats good.

Christ look at the time, best run!!


oldcrow61 said...

Oh no, sorry to hear that you have that dreaded "Man Flu". Hope you get rid of it quickly. Happy to hear that you found the owners of the dog.

mini-colster said...

If it makes you feel any better nicky i've had a cold for over a week!

Jan said...

Glad you found the doggy and took him home, he's lucky he made it three miles in your area without getting run over I should think. Hope your flu goes away quickly. Got a feeling I've got something coming again, sore throat, headache. Some bloody woman plonked herself down next to me at the dentist the other day, and was coughing and blowing her nose. I moved away but it may have been too late. Grrrrrrrr.