26 June 2006


Well the garden needs it, the grass has become quite brown and patchy in some areas. Apparently set to rain for most of this week and next. Me being such a lazy cow is pleased as it means I dont have to get the watering can out each night to water the pots :)

Hog news, both gals are still coming to feed, quite late each night and never hang around, so lets hope they both have babes some where. Im putting out food and water day and night for them. The jackdaw numbers are increasing, they swoop in take a beakful and then are gone as if they never were there. Such funny birds, I love to watch them land, they then do a funny hop!

Well best get ready for work......I hate mondays :(

1 comment:

Boo said...

Of course it is raining, Wimbledon has just started!

You, a lazy cow? Never!