Penny pinching
Again! I know I have said before that the way I shop is crazy, due to not having a freezer etc etc, plus I like to cook fresh food each day, rather than freezer PING! However I found an even better way to do it. Struck me as I was stripping the chicken carcass from Sunday for the birds. Tonight instead of buying 2 pork chops (two meals), I have bought a joint for 50p more, which will do me lunch and dinner for at least 4 days! Suppose I could think about stopping smoking, hmmmm, ok Ive thought about it...HEY thats a start..
Think I will also look into more growing my own veg, it cant be that hard. Think the worse bit will be lugging home bags of dirt from b&q to fill up some planters. Think I will start small on this project. Im not even that bothered if they get attacked by bugs as its all natural food for something else. Think I will just get one planter, thats then one bag of soil to drag home, now just need to decide what to grow. Ah but thinking about it I could also grow some runner beans in the wildlife bed as they could grow up the fence. Im quite looking forward to it, just need to look into growing vegetables now, best time to plant etc etc.
Wonder if I could fit a cow in the garden ???
It's not hard at all to grow your own veggies. You will love it, do it.
When I come up next time nic, which all being well will be the end of next month, so only about 6 weeks away, we can get whatever soil/compost/growbags etc you need in my car to save you lugging them. Should be plenty of time still to grow stuff. Have you got room for one of those little mini greenhouse things somewhere, they are great for bring on seeds, (they're about £14.99 I think) you know the ones with the plastic covers. In fact, I've got a brand new plastic cover, but no frame if you want to make your own!
I would grow runner beans and Courgettes if you like them Nic, they are always expensive to buy, I used to grow runner beans, did really well the first year, but after that they were covered in blackfly, thousands of them, so did nt bother after that, but still put a Courgette in a pot, get loads, really good. Pauline.
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