06 February 2007


Apparently set for some more snow today, lets hope it lasts a bit longer than last time. Actually Ive just looked at the weather forecast and the weather is set to be crap now, rain rain and hey some more rain :( The w/e is looking awful, typical as phill is home and said he would take me out some where...hmm wonder if he knew. He will be happy as he can have a lazy w/e in front of the tv eating and drinking.

Still its brightening up some now so will get dressed and put some more feed out for the birds, numbers and activity have increased some what due to this cold weather we are having, ive never had such a long spell of ltt visits!!


oldcrow61 said...

Yay, snow. Hope you get lots.

Boo said...

Not too much I hope! Just enough to make it look pretty and for us still to be able to get around in.
We certainly don't want as much as you've had OC! :D