18 February 2007

Busy day

After I got the business stuff done, well enough that I had to. Trip to b&q to get some more tacks, then to pets at home to get a bale of straw, tub of fat pellets, sunflower hearts and a bag of nuts, this was after going to waitrose to get something for brunch. As you can imagine I was packed up like a carthorse, still got home ok. Ive done the minor repairs on the hog box roof, cleaned them out and added nice fresh straw. I was thinking about moving the feeding station again this year, but too be honest it is probably in the best place. I am still thinking about putting a cam in the box, but not so sure how I will then get the cam to the pc, so might have to wait for phill to come back so he can make something that will work. I have such faith in his electronic capabilities. In fact I might phone him later and ask him to design something for me.

Got a few jobs done in the garden, not a great deal to do. Tidied up the shed a bit. Little bit of housework done. Now think I will sort out the archives of photos that I have. Too be honest I am desperatly trying to stay awake, I am sooooo sleepy I could lay down and that will be it. Its not a nice day so a walk is out the question. Guess I will have to just keep trying to fight it.

1 comment:

oldcrow61 said...

Hope you can find a way to get a cam in the box. Sounds like a great idea, am looking forward to it.