08 April 2007

Ticky hog

Well number 4 has been caught, ive often seen him run around the carpark in circles, never a good sign. Was watching on cam and saw a possible reason, loads of ticks. I feckin hate ticks.

Just spent an hour or so removing about 35+ off the poor thing, including one in his right ear, which could have been the reason why he was doing the circles. Dont think I got all of them off, still some more round his face, but I got a hell of a lot off him. They are awful awful things, imagine having 35+ on your body sucking the blood out of you. Anyway they all got squished and their heads bashed (I make it as quick as I possibly can) and then they are soaked in bleach, for good measure.

Hog has been put outside again and has gone straight into the box. Will bring him in, in a few days time and see how the tick situation is, he has had enough for one night....:(


Jan said...

Poor little thing, how awful must that be, glad you got a lot of them, he must be feeling more comfortable hopefully.

Anonymous said...

how do you get them off without it curling up tight

oldcrow61 said...

So happy to hear you got so many ticks off the hog. He must be feeling a lot better now.

nicola said...

im sure he will be feeling better now.

Erm stopping them curling is tricky, I use a variety of ways, one to be able to hold them on their tums to stop them curling, another to run a toothbrush down their backs, rock them, talk soothingly to them. Sometimes you have to be quite firm with them, but it is in their favour