12 January 2007

Bills, Bills, Bills

The electric, gas and tv license all in one month!!!!Shame really as I was going to "borrow" some of my bills savings for something else. Never mind thats what its there for! I do dislike January on the finance front it seems a long time to payday, nothing more I like than sitting down, moving my money about and checking that everything can be paid for. Sounds a bit sad I know, but ive had times when all ive been able to do is pay the bills and not afford to eat, luckily im in a much better position now :)

Roll in February and then I will know what my bonus is and what my payrise is!!!

1 comment:

Boo said...

Good luck on the payrise and bonus Nic, sounds like you need it. Don't forget to remind P that he should be paying you for all the work you do for him!