16 January 2007


Some-one left a comment on the blog asking if I had the above, now at 31 my initial reaction was at my age?? However after reading about it (the net is a wonderful thing) I am now going to ask the doctor when I see him tomorrow. It all fits, the mood swings, hot flushes, night sweats and not too mention tender breasts. Sorry blokes I should have warned you it was going to be one of them posts!

Its kinda got me worried though, after all I am only 31!! I know I should wait until ive seen the doctor before I start thinking doom, plus Im sure that if it is the case it can be treated. Blimey didnt think I would have to worry about this for at least another 10-15 years. Then there is the kids thing, now ive never been oh yes I must have children etc etc. What happens though if im told that my chances are reduced, what if it gets that bad I have to have a hysterectomy. Will I still feel the same then?

OH GOD!!!!


Boo said...

Nic, I am sure you have nothing to worry about. It could be the pills!

nicola said...

Im sure its not the pills boo, after all why would I now be getting side affects from them. The more I think about it, the more it becomes a possibilty that it could just be that. Anyway ive left a message for my mother to phone me, after all she has been through it, so thought I could give that info to the doctor, only thing is I have to talk to her, something I never enjoy doing, so might be a little stressed later on :(

Jan said...

Good luck at the docs nic, thinking of you, fingers crossed it will be something else.