30 March 2007

Change ?

Well no rat again last night on the cam, but im still not confident of the problem being gone, Pauline came up with a good point that my neighbours may have seen the rat and would call the council to put poison down, will look out for the rat-man-van!

Ive decided to ask for a change of branch at work, there is so much going on that I just dont want to go through again and again, plus some other changes that will happen, I just think that it is time for a change. However I will firstly see whats available after all I dont want to be travelling too far, plus would like to go into a nice branch. Ok it means I wont be able to come home for lunch, would be home later (not by much) but at the end of..I have to try.. Plus Im sure it will do me good too, new people to see new opportunities and all that. If it happens I will dread telling my regulars as they wont be happy that I would go, but Im sure they will understand. Still it might not happen as yet and certainly wont happen immediately. Of course now I am even thinking about another career change, but not sure as to what I would want to do..

Thank God its Friday though...Phill has planned my w/e, its going to be sorting out the garden (thats ok), sorting out the bedroom, putting some stuff up in the loft and he also wants me to sort through my clothes to take to the charity shop. Ive got the payroll to run and end of year payroll but think I will leave that until next w/e to do. Now I would want to start these jobs tonight when I get home from work, but he wont want to do that, instead I will have to spend all day Saturday doing it! As a compromise Ive asked him to drop me off at the flutter place on Sunday, means he can have a chilled out day watching racing and I get to go some where nice. But ive been thinking this morning, if its in a tropical house type thing, wont my lens get steamed up?????


Jan said...

Good news about the rat nic, fingers crossed it's moved on, or become a cat's dinner maybe.

Hope you get your job sorted out too, nothing worse than being where you don't want to be.

Anonymous said...

it will get steamed up at first yep, but when the lens eventually reaches the same temperature as the air it will soon clear up