Ok not back on until the 4th of Jan, then I will post catch up as have lots to talk about...just wanted to say thanks for cards and pressies sent..........never got round to mine again...oh dear
Oh crap!
Ok not back on until the 4th of Jan, then I will post catch up as have lots to talk about...just wanted to say thanks for cards and pressies sent..........never got round to mine again...oh dear
Posted by
5:48 pm
Im at phills using his Internet, mine will be ages as yet...boooooooo
I wont put a catch up here as im only on to look at sounds systems really, decided I want to stream line that too...
Anyway, I should be on before Christmas...ho ho ho ho ho.
Posted by
6:41 pm
have to wait 7 workings days for change over in broadband :(
Posted by
1:51 pm
Work was ok on Friday, I could get used to a one day working week! Went out Friday and had a few beers, few more than I was planning. Felt I needed the release. Bit groggy Saturday, but it was my Big night! Some of you know how I have liked this chap for ages, must be about 8 months I guess. I have known him longer but there are issues. He has a couple of kids (teens) his mrs walked out on them quite a while back now, he works very long hours and doesnt really have time to dedicate for a relationship, the last time I tried it didnt go anywhere, but Ive still thought about him often.
Last night he came round, bought me a gift of a hog money bank, really cute. We had some thai rice cake nibbles with some drinks, then I served pate as starter with a salad and toast,,yum yum yum, Then coked new pots with steak, green beans and broccoli for main. We were both stuffed after that, we watched tv and drank, talked and laughed. We was layed on the sofa, just cuddling each other, stroking each others arms etc, really lovely it wasnt at that point sexual, more than that, they type of time when you feel connected with some deeper than just a feeling that you want to sleep with them.
We had pudding, chocolate mousse..mmmmmmmm, more cuddling talking continued. We spoke about how its hard for him, but he needs to let some one in and take down a few barriers. I asked as he does believe in fate how come we always end up together, there must be more to this than there is now. We arnt really sure tho as to what that is.
Ok so now its 2 am ish, we are back to cuddling, he is laying on the sofa and im laying on him, both holding each other and then.....
He left just before 4, im not sure where this will go if it will at all, I really want it to though as he makes me feel so good and we laugh and talk...oh this is a tough one
Posted by
9:19 pm
For the confused in Canada too! My house has been the best part and office space not homely at all, all the furniture was Phills so when he moved out the house was empty. Great opportunity to decorate I thought, plus I had to then buy all new furniture as well.
Moved Phill which took 2 days, lots of lifting and man was it heavy I had the filing cabinet fall on me crushing me and bruising my legs, several bruises and scratches up my arms and legs too. It was just me and him moving, but what he forgets is that a woman has bumps on her chest so not as easy at one point he moved and I thought my left nipple had been ripped off!
Anyway I then stayed at his new house, which is lovely btw so big and wonderful with a great garden, will make a wonderful family home! Then we went and collected some stuff from his mums house, also saw a bed and mattress for me so bought that and that went in the huge van we had hired!
Then the decorating, it all had to be done, walls, ceilings, woodwork, doors, skirting's..I dislike decorating and it took 5 days to do the whole lot! We had help for 2 of them days from a friend who I will thank by cooking dinner for sat night.
One day was spent at Ikea to buy the rest of my furniture I had to get everything from sofa to cabinets, cutlery, plates, cups, glasses, rugs, towels, duvet, pillows, lights, tv, you name it I had to buy it (thats what savings are for).
Then its make all the stuff put it in place and do the fancy touches ha ha. It looks really great and Im happy now to come home, before it got me down a bit as was in real need of decorating. Plus I now have all the stuff I need for a new home if I ever move!
Just sorted out hogs, Alan is now 740g's!!! Ruby is 450g's!!! Still thinking about what to do with them, Alan has been getting a bit restless but ive just taken his bed out and replaced with half a bale of fresh hay so he will be busy making a new cosy nest. Ruby is just adorable even though I still have to have her in the bedroom which does keep me awake! She will goto the shed soon, which will be better for her and for me......not sure if I was so lucky to have a man folk in my new bed they would like to be watched by a hog...ha ha!!!
Apart from that and eating countless ready made meals (yuck) havnt done a great deal else. Oh Phill and I did have a major row yesterday and we arnt happy with one an another, I am sure we will sort it out but he really did upset me.
Right, lets see what you lot have been up too!
Posted by
2:45 pm
Sorry confused in Wales, I forgot to explain. I moved out my house so that it could be decorated. Now im back!! YAY, but on laptop and I cant get used to the keys, so short post for now and im dog tired too, been such a hectic week you would not imagine, actually over a week now....will catch up tomorrow, for now im admiring new stuff in my newly decorated house.....
Posted by
11:18 pm
Not sure when I will be back hooked up to the good.
Posted by
8:42 am
OK OK I will get back to cleaning the oven....hate this moving lark...
Posted by
3:05 pm
Of the big move and decorate....Hopefully soon I will be able to pick up the keys of Phills new house, then get over and list what needs doing, just waiting for a phone call. Last night as he got sooo drunk and a bit obnoxious we nearly had a row, first in ages, I managed to avoid the row and he fell asleep. Later I undressed him and put him to bed. This morning I got a cup of tea and have had a few phone calls, seeing if I am still talking to him no doubt, I will tackle him later. Have so much to do today, so why am I sat here?
Possibly due to the fact I have no energy due to the super bug that struck me down and turned every morsel of food that I have eaten since Friday night into gravy within about 30 minutes. Not fun when you are dragged round looking at cars to buy, less fun when you are in IKEA. Still im better today, but weak. I will of course get going after this cup of tea, then there will be no stopping me....
Carpet cleaners to higher, vans to higher, need to start cleaning the over (joy) and get some more food for ruby who has now decided to eat like a horse (yay). Not much will happen today though, tomorrow is when it all starts....
Posted by
10:43 am
You know its a good job I am able to laugh at myself. Thursday night Janes leaving dinner at the Italian, about 20 of us went, but of course there was pre-dinner drinks, not sure how it happened but I was a bit squiggly by the time dinner came round. Now there was this really cute waiter who I thought was about 27 ish, he kept smiling and holding my gaze..mmmmmm I thought. He handed my drink to me, I just put my fingers on his and smiled, he didnt take his hand away...whoo hooo I thought. He was damn cute dark hair, dark eyes...Well my so called friends cottoned on to this then and wrote my number on a napkin and handed it over, plus was taking the mick out of me.
At the end of the evening I came back from the loo and passed him, said sorry for my friends, we had a small chat. I innocently said "well you have my number", to which he replied
What???? I asked him how old he was....uhm 17....17.....17!!!!!!!!!!! I said my farewell. Then we went on to the pub for a night cap, where I asked the barman there how old he thought I was, he said 30, didnt improve my mood so much..
Still everyone else thought it was highly entertaining!
Ruby news, her appetite is returning and she is now 320g's so finally making some progress, she just escaped now when I was cleaning her out, right under the wardrobe, luckily I can reach under there, little monster. Her poo is near on normal now, plus the cough has stopped. Still giving her drugs and will do for another few days as yet, but im hopeful, quietly hopeful!
Posted by
12:45 pm
She was much more active last night, with that and a rather interesting phone call at midnight, I havnt had much sleep! Still good news is that she is now 301g's, I know not a massive increase but she is more active and eating more, in fact she is still in there munching away.
Oh the phone call........very interesting I can tell you ;-)
Im ooooot this evening, jane is going to another branch :-((((( so we are off to the Italian for a meal...mmmmmmmmmmmmm love that place for food.
Well best get some coffee down me to keep me up and about, might just need my strength for later ;-)
Posted by
7:53 am
heard a bit of coughing in the night, odd cough really not sure if it was really a cough or not to be honest. She has eaten more than last night and has put on another 1g. Hopefully the panacur will kick in soon and the antibiotics as I really do not want to stress her by taking to the vets as she is only just relaxing (lavender really worked) I will give it a couple of more days. Oh the poo was much much better this morning, not green bit pale and was pleasant to sniff (am I turning mad?)
Posted by
8:09 am
Ive started her on a worming course and the baytril is coming tomorrow, hopefully it will sort her out, using some natural stuff too to balance it out some. She has put on 3g's not a lot but hey its an increase so im happy... she is in the bedroom though as its easier than the bathroom, think Im gonna get a noisey night!!!
Oh and not long now until I get my lair......oc will explain ;-)
Posted by
9:44 pm
As part of my normal cleaning out routine I always check the poo of the hogs as its a really good indication of health....but man that little girls poo was rancid, god only knows what she has found to eat before I found her. Its not a bad form, but you know when you have eaten something dodgy and the next day.....yuck! Ive started her on some wormer, bit earlier than I wanted too, but think it will be a good idea. Will see how they are in the morning, have to goto the vets tomorrow so will see about some anti-biotics too, hope they will just give as I dont want to take her down there as she is still so shy and refuses to un-curl, havnt really kept trying as I want her to settle, but if all fails it will be a warm bath to try and get her to uncurl as I want to check her tummy and legs, will give it another worried tho
Posted by
9:27 pm
On my way back from the pub last night, was just about to get a burger, when I saw something small scamper along the underpass, ran down then wrestled with the prickly bushes and yup a small babe in there. Grabed walked home (short distance) weighed and 300g's. Had a quick check over and all seemed ok, nice and strong no obvious signs of injury or problems. Popped in box with alan for now, but will sort this out today would rather them be seperate as helps to know how much each is eating etc. Not sure how I am going to sort out the shed, but will think of something! Checked the box this morning and looks like a bomb has gone off!!! Think a trip to pets at home will be in order they had some nice boxes with little igloo homes in there that were quite reasonably priced, I could have a sort of stacking thing if more babes turn up!
Oh and I did go back for a burger.
Oh and didnt see chap :-( still came home with some one ha ha
Posted by
11:48 am
there is a rumour that a certain chap would like to get to know me better..........................................................
Posted by
7:04 pm
Well, been a bit busier of late, but still not exercising as yet, still coughing and yes still smoking, really not ready to give that up as yet, but I have cut down, makes no difference to the cough, but it is getting better and im not as snuffly now!
Went to a sort of Christmas fair (yeah too early) it was at a local school, wasnt uhm great and didnt actually buy anything, had a lovely Italian meal after though, yeah the honeycomb cheesecake...delish!
Little one is still doing well in the shed, whilst worming this week I actually managed to get some wormer in me too, not sure how much I digested but hasnt done me any harm so far, not something that I recommend though and dont wipe mouth on sleeve when you have some on there!! He is toasty in his box, been adding more bedding and he keeps dragging the bedding out, then I keep topping it up! Still at least the old stuff then gets changed. He will go into the hutch at the weekend, once its all cleaned out and insulated. Going to use tiles and bubble wrap then gap then tiles then bubble wrap so it traps the warm air! Clever huh ?!?
Last night I just chilled out in front of the tv and didnt do anything, tonight its Friday....and im out for the night, actually looking forward to it, wont be a mad one as so much to do on Saturday, but then Saturday is another night!!!
Posted by
8:03 am
As most nights now I find myself wandering aroung pets at home (Still not back exercising as yet due to feckin cough!) looking at all the stuff I would like to buy, the rabbit hutches and the cages with the igloo homes in. Anway im always looking for something to feed the hogs, high fat content and preferably natural. Well I come across this insect mix, it looks disgusting, but hey I thought it is more like natural food so better when he is released.
After coming back from the furniture stores, got very irate with one, as saw a bed stead I liked, said it came with the mattress, laid on that...ah heaven and only £250..Bargain, it was one of them memory foam ones, asked the lady for more details and was told "that mattress isnt included", but is on the bed, she shows me on the one that is and in her words "is crap". I protest saying that it is very misleading, she says it isnt, after a few words we left, was quite pissed off about it, especially as I was in a bad mood anyway, been a bit insular and a bit down of late, nowt to worry about im sure, but hey ho. She was so patronising too and horrible to boot!
Anyway, cleaned out hog, put some insect mix in and boy does it stink! An hour later he is munching away at this stinking mix! Also reminds me I walk home a different way now as the nights are dark and the park isnt lit, I go past the other side and there is a HUGE black and white cat, think its stray as has no collar and people put out food for it. Its very friendly and loved the kitten kibbles it had from me as a treat, thought he was going to rip the bag open and gobble the lot! Bless he did that push his head into your chest thing, so sweet.
Well going to check the garden for hogs and top up the stinking insect mix...urgghhhk!
Posted by
9:59 pm
Oh and
Hope you have a lovely day!!
Posted by
8:18 am
At least it isnt a frost! I guess actually prefer it like this as the hogs that are still up wont be as cold when they come for their supper. Little one is now 405g's so we have broken another 100g which is fantastic! Still wont eat any meat based food, just likes his dry stuff, not too worried about that as he is eating very well, fingers crossed it stays like that. I know too well how quickly they can turn and go down hill when everything seems fine, so we aint out the woods as yet!
Picked up the rabbit hutch after work last night, it needs a bit of repair, also got a run with it too, ideal for a nice soft release, or catching any others, just need to work out what to do with the base as they can dig very well too, wouldnt want them escaping now!
Oh gosh look at the time best run...
Posted by
8:10 am
Weighed him this morning and he is 395g's, getting close to 400 now, amazing weight increase in a week! You can tell he is betting bigger as he is longer than my hand now, also bloody strong too! No escaping either which is good as he cant get back in the box once he is out and whilst there are nice warm things to sleep in whilst he is out of the box, there isnt really any food that he can munch on.
Yesterday, whilst having many plans and being up at 8.45 am, I was soon back in bed as the period from hell came a knocking! OMG havnt had pain like that in a long long time. So the day was spent in bed with hot water bottle and pain killers. Im getting a bit fed up of being poorley now, just want a day when I wake up and feel well, still coughing, but it is getting better finally!
Oh well best get ready for work, Phillip is taking me in this morning, he says I would be better walking to get the cold in my lungs to kill the germs, but im not so sure..
Posted by
8:03 am
Little monster!!! Just went into clean out and weigh and no sign of him in the box!!! The sides are about 2 foot ish high..what a climber! Must have used the extra bedding I put in... So he is in the shed some where, a very gentle tidy and found him curled up in the bottom of a bin bag I use to take the grass cuttings to the tip in! PHEW!!
He is back in the box now and I have put the lid on (still got air gap) with a bag of seed on top, dont think he will push that off! Boy that was a worrying hour!
Posted by
5:14 pm
not quite in the whoo hooing mood though. Didnt feel to bad when I got up this morning, but as they day went by I found myself back in bed, after taking some photos. The light was all weird today so taking them was a challenge! Little one (alan) has put on another 20g's so thats good, he is doing really well, just hope that maintains.
Well my friend has just called to see what I am doing tonight, sniffing, coughing and smelling of albos oil I replied. She has managed to get me to agree to go out for a couple. Actually it will do me good, think I am starting to get cabin fever as I havnt really left the house all week or seen many people! I did say it was on the condition that I was home by think ive turned 80 over night! Of course as I have been off all week havnt really stuck to a facial care routine so covered in spots, thank god for concealing! Im not shaving my legs either, I dont care if the man of my dreams is out tonight, he can have a coughing sneezing hairy legged me!!
Oh by the way, most of this post has been written under the influence of beechams, I hope to get back to normal soon x
Posted by
6:11 pm
Took a couple after I had cleaned him out, he has put on 60g's but im not so sure thats right I will weigh again tomorrow and see, anyway nice clean bed and I can hear him munching already, oh and yeah I know what a feast! You can see how small he is though, just keep fingers and toes crossed please...
Posted by
7:39 pm
Little one had a good first night, he ate 4 handfuls of Iams cat biscuits, 2 handfuls of spikes and poked his nose in the egg and chicken combo. Will try some meal worms tonight too, doesnt seem keen on the wet food, but will keep putting chicken in as it will help build him up, think I will have to put bigger portions in tonight though as he was banging his bowl at 3 am insisting on more biscuits, amazes me when you think how small their tummies are, but I am concerned of over loading his tummy to quickly. I was out at various times in the garden looking for more, but didnt see anymore young ones, possibly they are about, it may mean an all night vigil, but in current health probably not a good idea, just being up last night has made me feel worse. I will see. I am sure that if they are there they will turn up and should get earlier with the fireworks hopefully over now.
Well off to work, wonder how long I will last today!
Posted by
8:02 am
I have been worried about the 2 large females still up at this time of year, ok its been mild but not that mild. My fears of late babies had yet to be proved. Well I have another cold so im suffering again, still im out most of the night with torch looking and looking. Last night I felt so bad I went to bed just after 9.30pm, waking up at 6 am cough cough cough cough, decided I may as well get up, it was still dark as I went out for my morning smoke (yeah I know) so took the torch out, just in case. Lo and behold a small prickle in the feeding box a 250 grammer, bless him, he is very clean which I was surprised at and also warm considering there was a frost this morning. Anyway he is in a temp box at the moment and will be transferred to a larger box poss Wednesday after I have had a while to make sure no immediate problems. Now I fear and worry about the other prickles that may be out there
Posted by
7:28 am
Not ever so happy with these, but the birds were being elusive and could only sit so long with the window open, didnt think it would be too good for my cold! Now im starting on the paper work, well putting it in order at least so I can start to make a dent into it. Jan I will send the phone on thursday if thats ok ?!
oh well best crack on...still feel like shite
Posted by
4:37 pm
thing is its taking twice as long as I have to keep stopping to blow my nose or sneeze then run to the bathroom as a long line of snot has come out too...ewww. The its cough cough cough, my head hurts from coughing. Think I will have to look into the old cold thing as I shouldn't be getting this many in one year. As soon as this one clears im going to get that flu jab, might help build up my immune system a bit more, plus think I will take some extra vitamins. Im sure its the amount of people that I see in the day, plus the air-con is right over my desk, might ask if they can move the unit, that may help a little, but that will be quite a big change, but can only ask, if its affecting my health then they should do it.
Well going to go and stock up on bird feed, little birdies are nearly out, then try and crack on, although its nice and sunny here today so might take a few photos instead, lazy day...ah bliss.
Posted by
11:23 am
Yup another feckin cold! Im so fed up with them now, think it is because my sinus are playing up have been for a few weeks so it could be just that and not a cold, but im fed up none the less.
Its friday, think I will stay in this w/e though, thats the plan right now, will see if my resolve lasts, when I start getting texts asking me if im out tonight, or come out, or COME OUT! Hmmm maybe I could switch phone off, ok that will never happen will just have to stick to my guns!
Seen a lovely pair of boots in tescos, they are knee length and dark brown, must stay away from that store and not buy boots, must not take credit card with me and look at boots at lunch time and buy boots....step away from the boots! Could just try them on and see what they look like.
The thing is since my body shape has changed ive really got into buying nice clothes that are more figure hugging and look nice, plus of course the underwear to match it. It really makes me more determined to keep up the weight loss, ive dropped 2 sizes already, but as im not planning on stopping there I am slowing up on the clothes buying as a lot of what I have bought is now too big for me, its weird though as I get scared in shops to buy the next size down, dont know why think its a mind thing, cant really explain it, think women will understand it though.
Ah well best get a wriggle on, lots to do...NO boots to buy :-))))
Posted by
7:58 am
Quickly as just got in from 3 mile walk and im off to gym ball, but spooky or what, I have just had an email alert from bbf, telling me that some one had replied on the topic that I started about boo, followed it and nothing had been replied too......hmmmmmm, spooky or for the less sceptical a message? Anyway got to dash, will try and get on tonight for a catch up, if you are lucky I will tell you what I got up to last night ;-)
Posted by
7:04 pm
Ignore the video on this one, but really like the song. Found myself reading through and catching up on blogs tonight, dont often get the time to look at them all. Ended up as I some times do reading boo's blog, looking over her posts and photos, some made me laugh and some cry, it feels like forever she has been gone not just 6 months. Quite often I will be walking along and see something that im sure she would have laughed at or understand my sarcasm at certain stuff. I dont want to forget who she was and how much she meant. Oh I dont know, just miss her, miss having the chat and laughs. Sunday mornings catching her on the pc before trying to get hubby up. Italian bums, the quest to make me more lady like and her failing miserably. The gift parcels that would turn up. Oh crap such a thoughtful lady, I still cant get over the fact that she has gone. Christ only 6 months ago, only 6 months can you believe that? I cant, really cant. I still miss her..
Posted by
9:27 pm
Well I survived and it wasnt too bad actually, certainly makes you think about your posture and breathing. Didnt think I had a problem with breathing but I can feel the benefits of actually breathing more fully, getting more oxygen into the ole brain and all that! It works on the principle that you stretch out your muscles therefore making them leaner and a longer shape, or to that effect. Enjoyed it so will keep going back, at some points I did think I was going to fall over and the tummy ones were a bit hard, but hey its all good!
New phone is soooo cooooool, didnt turn up til the afternoon so had a play with it then, but being a bit silly I managed to delete all my numbers in the phone whilst transferring them over from the old one...ooops! Today I will be mainly trying to get every ones number back, which will be a nightmare and involve a few calls to 118118 or the like! Im such a dizzy tart at times! Doing a second gym ball class on Thursday as well, its a bit difficult as I do walking on Tuesday and Thursdays but will be able to fit it all in I think...just means I will have to have my main meal of a lunch time like I did yesterday had a lovely jacket potato and beans..yum!
Oh well best be on my way, busy day ahead finding numbers!
Posted by
7:57 am
New phone will be here today! I rang them yesterday and went straight to get the code which you can then transfer your number to another provider as I thought that no way would they give me the phone that I was wanting. Anyway we had a chat and they are giving it to me for free, plus they are giving me extra minutes and texts for less than I am on now! It does mean that I am finally on an 18 month contract which I didnt really want, but hey ho...cant wait for new phone to be here!!!
Long day ahead today as some of you know I am trying Pilate's this evening, not sure what to expect apart from being in all sorts of positions that may or may not hurt but will certainly do something! Oh anon im not going on such a strict diet as 1200 cals, my body would give up on that amount, im more going for 1500-1750 the exercise will certainly help as it tones up the flabby bits and the cardio I do will burn no more than 500 cals of my food intake but I will still be eating lots of good stuff and drinking plenty of water, I drink a lot through the day. Its not a diet where I deny myself treats as I dont want to be miserable but I will achieve my goal by eating good healthy stuff and exercise, after all we are told we should do something for 30 mins each day that gets us out of breath! Oh and exercise also has beneficial affects on my moods, its the endorphin things! But thanks for your suggestions!
Well best get on with getting ready as I was late yesterday as I was being such a fanny in the morning, I sent my boss a text explaining that I was being a fanny, he found it highly amusing, bless....well if I can walk later I will post how it all went!
Posted by
7:55 am
Thanks anon, thought it deserved more than just being in the comments had me in stitches
After that post you might need to check your Dirty IQ. The answers are at the end.
1. When I go in I might cause pain. I cause you to spit and ask you not
to swallow. I can fill your hole. What am I?
2. A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best
man always has me first. What am I?
3. I'm spread before I'm eaten. Your tongue gets me off. People
sometimes like to lick my nuts. What am I?
4. I go in hard. I come out soft. You blow me hard . What am I?
5. All day long it's in and out. I discharge loads from my shaft. Both
men and women go down on me. What am I?
6. I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When You blow me
you feel good. What am I?
7. If I miss, I hit your bush. It's my job to stuff your box. When I
come, it's news. What am I?
8. I offer protection. I get the finger ten times. You use your fingers
to get me off. What am I?
9. I assist an erection. Sometimes big balls hang from me. I'm called a
big swinger. What am I?
10. I'm at least 6 inches long. I leave foamy lubrication when engaged
in my job. What am I?
1. a dentist
2. a wedding ring
3. peanut butter
4.chewing gum
5. an elevator
6. a nose
7. a newspaper boy
8. a glove
9. a crane
10. a toothbrush, of course!
Posted by
8:16 am
Had a bit of a mad one this weekend, not quite sure if Im actually over it as yet, but hey ho back to the work thing!!
Got lots on this week, the house is moving onwards so in the process of sorting all that out, phillip certainly knows when to go away huh?! Hopefully will be coming back with a new phone today if I can get that sorted out too, I like the 6500 classic nokia, but will have to see what sort of a deal I can get and whether I can get today or not. Lots of business stuff to do, oh and im starting my new campaign on weight loss for Christmas, want to reduce by two dress sizes so am giving up the booze and the mad w/e's and going to be a fitness crazed thing for the next 6 weeks so come the Christmas party I will be all slim :-) well thats the plan, wonder how long before I think...could just go out tonight...ha ha
Posted by
8:11 am
How many calories do we burn during sex
The diet literature explains calories burned while jogging, playing tennis or golfing, but similar information concerning sexual activity has, until now, been unavailable.
Yet, a survey of 206,000,000 people indicated that 96% devote more time and effort to sex than jogging, tennis, or golf, and we felt that the time was right for a new type of sex manual.
1 hr. intensive foreplay Burns Off:
1 slice (large) chocolate cake.
25 min. nonstop lovemaking Burns Off:
2 slices of pizza with cheese & mushrooms.
53 min. of kissing partner Burns Off:
1 cheeseburger with 14 french fries.
53 minutes kissing yourself Burns Off: Christmas turkey with all the trimmings.
Includes setting the snooze alarm and dimming the lights: 42 (calories burned)
Hiding the sex manual: 3
Decanting the wine: 4
Without a corkscrew: 268
If you are shy: 15
If you are anxious: 43
If you beg: 100
If you are rich (cash): 5
If you are rich (credit card): 15
If you are poor: 200
Fumbling: 4
Casually rummaging around: 7
Seriously rummaging around: 42
With partner's consent: 12
Without partner's consent: 187
Removing socks by violently shaking feet: 418
Blowing in partner's ear: 15
Blowing in your own ear: 2,512
DISAPPOINTMENT (after seeing partner undressed
Partner looks better with clothes on: 10
Partner wears corrective underwear: 15
Partner turns out to be of wrong sex: 100
You don't mind: 0.25
Partner wearing elevated socks: 50
Fumbling around: 4
Desperately trying to put something somewhere: 18
Completely missing: 126
Italian (man on top; woman on bottom): 26
German (facing each other, but in different beds): 48
English (woman on top; man hiding): 15
American (both on top): 1,243
Leg cramp: 36
Making believe you don't have a leg cramp: 612
Sneezing (during intercourse): 7
Sneezing (during orgasm): 588
Toupee slips off (if your partner knew you wore one): 5
Toupee slips off (if partner didn't know): 72
Extinguishing cigarette (in ashtray): 1
Extinguishing cigarette (in mattress): 17
Extinguishing cigarette (in partner's leg): 133
Calling your partner the wrong name: 50
Shoes flew off: 15
Expression didn't change: 0.5
Room turned purple: 4
Face turned purple: 78
Earth moved: 30
If Earth actually moved: 1,234,588
Moaning in Turkish: 506
"I am so grateful": 15
"It must have been something we ate": 15
"Was it good for you?": 15
"Are you finished?": 15
If woman is ready: 5
If man is not: 563
After sex: 18
During sex: 546
While parking car: 212
Real: 5
Faked (a good way to avoid sex-craved partner): 74
In a bath: 5
In a sink: 150
In a jacuzzi: 15,269
With partner still in it: 44 (indicates either a neatness obsession, a severe optic disorder, or a partner who is very tired).
With you still in it: 97 (suggests extreme withdrawal and profound dissatisfaction)
Maintaining your own record of sexual activity will be helpful for keeping track of weight loss. You needn't go into detail, just list the activity and the number of calories burned.
A typical entry in a woman's journal (for example) for a pleasant low-key sexual experience might read as follows:
December 1st: Sex with Harold
Explaining how: 12
Suggesting something different: 3
Calming terrified Harold: 40
Encouraging him to at least take off his socks: 8
Foreplay (a little of this; a little of that): 56
Intercourse (standing position): 22
Intercourse (holding Harold up): 10
Intercourse (urging him on): 5
Orgasm: not sure
Thanking Harold: 3
Waving bye-bye: 1
Total time: six minutes (taxi waiting)
Total calories burned: 160
Posted by
8:02 am
One thing that works for me is plenty of coffee, apple juice and red bull, not all mixed together but alternate them! No im just teasing honest ;) But it does work a treat if you ever do feel delicate...
Not much else to report right now, life is whooshing along. Im out for another birthday meal on Thursday (costing me a fortune) but hey im not a one to pass up on an opportunity for honeycomb cheesecake...Ive been really good this week too! Plus it might help my cold that is still not going...grrrrrrrr Im sick of sniffing, mind at least the cough has gone (dont think it was too do with smoking ; )) No sign of small hogs in the garden last night so thats all good.
Oh talking of which, please remember if you are having a bonfire this year, please please please check it before lighting it, ie move it bit by bit as there could be an animal that has taken up home in there. If possible do not build it until the day you are going to light it. Hogs with burns are horrific so please please please try and avoid this. Thank you
Posted by
7:52 am
where was I, oh yeah the dream...anyway there was all sorts of wild and wonderful animals that had decided to migrate to my garden! Most bizzare I can tell you as you dont expect to see that every day in your garden, still would be cool if you did!
Been mostly in the garden again tonight, got home late from work, man its been manic today! Normally half time is a quiet time, but boy oh boy has the world and its wife been in.
I actually just signed in too see if Jan was back from the pub ok! Ooooo she is, best get some gossip time in....
Posted by
10:43 pm
I have two large females coming each night at the moment, it worries me they might have babies some where, hope they bring them to me if there are any, they should do. I worry as at there size (well on too two lbs) they should be now asleep so why arnt they? Oh god I dislike this time of year!
Oh all my worries about being late yesterday, I got a phone call to ask if I would goto another branch for the day, the one thats 3 mins walk away! Made a nice change but I couldnt go back there permanently. Im actually looking forward to getting back to my own branch today.
Didnt do much last night after hell ball, apart from have the hogs in and check them over, walk the garden most of the night with a torch looking for any. Not sure thats done my cold much good but hey ho! They are really into Iams cat biscuits at the moment, which are really good for them so I dont mind that it costs an arm and a leg to buy them!
Had weird dream last night that Bill Oddie lived in my house and we was waiting for all the birds to come back, exec pt we were getting zebras etc...finish this later...
Posted by
8:01 am
Again, nowt to do with snogging, before you ladies start in..ha ha! Im feeling in a moaning mood this morning. Lots of things making me moan, the weather is very cold this morning, that bitter icy weather and we are set to have more rain :-(
I dislike plucking my eyebrows too, which look awful at the moment as one is growing back from the waxing incident, I might see what sort of permanent solution I can have, mustn't get confused with down below treatments...mind that would look interesting im sure! Well a short one this morning as I actually want to be at work early today, well makes a change huh!?!
Posted by
7:53 am
We have had a new system put in, which means everything I used to know how to do, I now dont! Did my head in yesterday there is nothing more frustrating than not knowing how to do stuff. It will be good im sure, but unfortunately the training cant and doesnt cover every aspect of the job, so its a trial and error thing.
Went to the opticians yesterday, all ok no change in my eyes, paid my bill then went to boots to get my prescription, saw a sign in there saying free eye tests today, uhm I got charged for mine (ok I can be reimbursed from work but thats not the point), back to the opticians for a refund, how I missed the signs on the windows when I walked in I dont know!! Still at least they just refunded and said sorry, although I was quite up for a fight!
Then for some reason after my lunch I threw the bag that had my pills in, into the rubbish bin, there was a mad panic on my way to netball when I realised what I had done, frantic phone calls, fortunately my boss fished them out of the bin, before they got emptied by the cleaners....phew! How thick am I though for throwing them out in the first place!?!?!?!?
Oh and Jan we are set now to get some autumnal weather, looks quite nice this morning, meant to be cold and sunny during the day, then freezing at night, sun is just starting to come out, but it has turned much colder here of late, small amount of frost this morning too. Still I dont mind so much as long as it is dry! Hope it stays dry today for walking, nothing worse than walking in the rain, getting all soggy and sweaty...ewww!
Still I am pleased to report that I feel quite good this morning, last couple of days ive had a bit of a slip, but im trying to keep going and get on with stuff. No point really in letting it get me down, as some stuff I have no control over and its a waste of my good energy worrying about it. Some times it just takes my head a bit longer to figure this out.
Ah well best be on my way...
Posted by
7:51 am
I keep thinking about what Jan, Anna and I was talking about last night, which was certain woman treatments. All sparked as it was my bosses b'day yesterday and among other things we got her some vouchers for beauty treatments. Now we also got the menu (if thats the right thing to describe it) of all the different treatments that you can get. I was amazed at what you can have done these days....all off and gems stuck down there doesnt sound like my idea of uhm uhm a haircut!!!! To say we were all in stitches at work about it is an understatement!
Mind then Anna talked about anal bleaching and that amazed me even more, I mean would you? Would you really?? Its not an area that I tend to look at very much, apart from the obligatory does my arse look fat in this? Which lately my arse seems to have got smaller, still round but much more pert..its the walking that does that!
Talking of which my walking buddy has gone on hols :-( I actually did think, oh 2 weeks off for me too, I can start some boxing, but there is another lady that wants to get fit, so went with her last night instead. Actually she can walk quite fast so its an actual walk now, was a bit hot and sweaty so thats good, I know that my body is working hard! Even though it was raining we still went, now there is dedication to the cause. Second lady is very slim size 8 I think, but wants to tone up, so walking will be ideal for her. Just means no boxing, as I really havnt got a spare day unless I give something else up. W/e's are out the question really as I like to catch up on everything else and take photos. I dunno think I will have to give up work soon, just to fit my life in!
Oh I chipped my nail varnish btw so had to take it off, ive tried to paint them again, but they just look crap, so they will be naked until Phillip comes home and paints them. God only knows what will happen when he moves out, I will be round his house for nail painting and bra strap adjusting instead I guess!
Ah well, best get ready for work and be on me way, soon be Friday...WHOO HOOO
Posted by
7:50 am
I dont like the way the central heating makes my skin so dry, ive tried all the tricks, open the windows, put a bowl of water near or on the radiator, but I still end up looking like a flaky pastry....oh well I will get some well known Norwegian cream from boots that normally clears my skin up. I dont understand skin, I have very dry patches of skin yet I still get spots...not many to be fair but whats that all about?
I do love getting wrapped up in scarves and gloves, I have many to choose from, think I also like them as it covers up most of my face ha ha! At the moment I am wearing black scarf and gloves, although I must admit most of my wardrobe is black or blue, darker shades do seem to suit me better, especially as my hair is dark again, although that might change soon, not sure as yet.
I like the influx of birds in the garden at this time of year, but not their battles over who gets to live in the garden. As I normally get hog visits til quite late in the year, I dont have to worry about missing them as yet. November is when things quiten down here on the hog front, although some years I still have them about in December!
I cant shake this cough, thats another negative for winter all the bugs about. I get to have my flu jab soon, well as soon as Ive shifted this cold and cough, I dont have one every year, not sure why as I get them free, but think I will this year as I think there is going to be even more bugs about, plus changing work place there are more kids that come in and they seem to pick up everything, bless them!
Gym ball was hell ball last night, particularly hard when you cant stop coughing, never mind it did me some good im sure. Going to start boxing again tonight, cant wait as its great for frustration and tension!
Best be off, its just starting to rain, nice as I have to walk!
Posted by
8:01 am
The radio is on, blondie is currently playing, quite up lifting for a Monday morning. Ok my house looks like a bomb has hit it, but can sort that tonight before gym ball! My plug in scents are switched on creating a peaceful and quiet atmosphere once again in the house. The tv will have a rest from being on 24/7 and I dont have to worry about anyone apart from me...yippppppeeeeeee!!!!!!
Ok I have a few jobs to do, must remember to put my scrip in at the docs and transfer some money, but apart from that the week is my own. Been a long time since that so im really happy today, not that he has gone as such, but I do like time on my own too. Its good for me, means I can be quiet when I come home after a full days talking and not have to talk if I dont want too, I sound such a nice person dont I?! Its not that I dont want to talk, but sometimes its nice to have quiet.
Ah well, best be off....
Posted by
7:57 am
I did go out Friday night, I did have a little more to drink than was planning, I went to a club (not planned) and got home about 3 am! It was a fun nite out, lots of laughing and quite a few people out too! Saturday morning getting up at 7 am was a challenge I can tell you. Had a bacon sandwich before work, then spent the day at work drinking coffee and trying to convince myself to stay awake. It was really quiet so not so bad after all.
Bit of shopping after work, got some nail varnish, even though I am crap at putting it on, just goes all over the place, but as I still havnt bit my nails...3 months now! I think I deserve a treat for them. Anyone know how to paint nails? Had to get Phillip to do in the end, he did a really good job, but I need to know how to as well.
Today not done a great deal at all, just chilled out, watched the moto gp etc. Cant believe its going to be Monday already. Phill away for a week in Ireland so im left in charge...yay! Be really nice to have my own space again, who knows I might even end up entertaining...... ;-)
Posted by
9:13 pm
As most know I have been going out walking twice a week up at our local lakes with a lady from work who has been trying to loose weight for her holiday. Well great news she has lost stone and a half in six weeks! Just from healthy eating and 30 mins or more exercise each day. She looks really good too, getting her waist back and everything. Whats great for me is to see her being happy again, more energy and vitality. Hearing about her buying new clothes and underwear when she wouldnt before due to her size, just makes me all chuffed. It hasnt been easy at all and she will be the first to tell you how much of a cow I can be, saying NO when she wants a cake or the like. I allow treats but once you start back on that slippery slope!
Anyway it is also nice as there are some lovely birds up at the lakes. Seen a black squig up there, also saw a green woodie yesterday too! Although we managed not to come back with a stray dog this week, thankfully.
Today the weather is crappy its all miserable and that really light persistent rain, urghk. Im still coughing for England which is getting on my nerves now.
Still its Friday so the weekend is nearly here, meant to be going to a birthday thing tonight, but not sure if I can be arsed or not. Will see how I feel later..
Posted by
7:58 am
Sorry for the shouting, but im hearing about more and more cases of hogs out in the day, where a photo opportunity is deemed more important than actually helping the animal, makes me sick to my stomach it really does. Especially when you consider the animal could be dying, is it really worth the photo? Uhm NO.
rant over
Posted by
11:27 pm
After a very bad night, decided wasnt fit to goto work today, spent the day on the sofa with a packet of tissues (no not in that way) Day time tv is still crap I see, in the end switched it off and tried to sleep, have had a couple of hours, now I just feel crap again, will have a bath in a bit see if that helps any. Have to be back at work tomorrow as I have so much on and I hate getting behind with my work, I know how daft am I? I have also spent the day eating crap, its odd when you have a rotten cold, I dont feel like eating a proper meal, but can snack all day on various sugar laden items. Hmm that will make me feel good in the morning not!
At least it has stopped raining for a bit, hasnt really stopped for most of the day. I really need to get out in the garden too and get some jobs done. Always so much to do. Might add some more later when I am feeling in a bit more of a positive mood...
Posted by
5:50 pm
Stupid blinkin cold, my head feels like its about to explode! Going in to work this morning as I have bucket loads to do, but will see how I go, might do a flyer at lunch time, its not the cold but my spluttering cough really not attractive...
Weighed my small hog last night, pleased to say 650g's, good weight plus he is still eating for England! I cleaned all the feeders and hog feeder yesterday, perhaps shouldnt have as thats what has made me feel worse, I cant hear or taste anything now, never mind, the jobs needed doing. Not surprisingly havnt done much else this weekend, apart from sniff and cough!
Oh well best face the day!
Posted by
7:45 am
I have it! Not surprised as I have one at home with it, plus one at work who has it, I was bound to get it! Of course now its in a woman it is a cold so we just get on with it, mind im feeling quite crappy this morning!
Didnt manage to get on last night as my evening didnt go to plan. Went walking up the lakes with Jane, was walking round and a dog (boxer) started to follow us, I thought its owners were behind us so didnt think that much too it. Until I looked round and saw no owners! We walked round twice and still the dog followed, a very good dog, didnt bother other dogs or anything, had a little sniff then ran away up to us again.
Got to a bench and as we was about to be approaching the road, I used my best Barbara Woodhouse voice and managed to grab him. Oscar luckily had a name tag and phone number, so called his mum and found out where they lived, uhm about 3 miles away!!!!! Put Oscar in the front seat with me, then had dog slather all over me, gross! We took him back to his house, apparently the window cleaner had left the gate open and he had run off, he has done this before. I did have visions of taking Oscar home, phill would not have been please with that.
This knocked my evening out and had dinner late, we had a casserole, so that took time to do. Cleaned out hog food box in the dark, then was just knackered after my very early start! Little hog is getting bigger, not surprised the amount he is eating and the lack of walking he does! Checked him over last night and all is well, so thats good.
Christ look at the time, best run!!
Posted by
8:00 am
Its a cold and damp morning here! Actually its not that cold I have just been stood outside in a t-shirt, but it is damp and miserable, not good! Its amazing what how the weather can affect my mood, I look out the window and just want to get back into bed again. Guess I will look for one of those SAD light things, see if that makes a difference to the mornings. I can tell its getting winter as I no longer sing in the shower in the mornings. Still lets see if I can do something about that, after all it would take more effort for me to do nothing and suffer wouldn't it ?!
I have also been pre-menstrual for about two weeks now, that does not help at all! My need for chocolate is over whelming! Plus the need for nice carby foods. Managing to stifle both of those needs, I think if I gave in I wouldn't stop eating until I pop!
Half way through the week, im having a crap one at work, going through a selling drowt, considering my job is selling this is very bad. I get very frustrated when I can not convert a sale, then I worry as my target is always there. Think I do need to relax though and just try and not worry, Im not getting any hassle from my boss though he has been really good about it. Keeps asking if the drowt is still there, but knows that it will pass. You do get times like this, just need to try and keep your head! Why is it so important, well the way the incentive is this year, is that we get paid a percentage of the sales we do, therefore no sales no bonus! I need the money for furnishing the house and saving for holidays next year, not going to go any where in November now, as I will need to spend money here. Still that will be just as exciting.
Ah well best be off..
Posted by
7:57 am
During gym ball last night we had to do this thing where you continually punch the ball against a wall, of course my ball went out of control and knocked the picture of an old priest off the wall, SMASH glass went every where. Typically had to be me didnt it!!! Just hope I dont get any divine retribution.... The lady that takes the class, think I have said before is a personal trainer, she has a gym in her home, so am going to start going to her house once a week with Julie and PHILLIP (thats if he still goes) and have a cardio work out on her machines. Im also really now controlling my food again, I want to slim down a bit more for Christmas, thats the goal anyway. Actually I just want to loose my middle bit that still refuses to reduce or budge! Its harder for a woman to tone up the tummy though as there is more fat there ready for when we have babies, it will be a challenge...hmmm six pack for christmas!
Work was hectic as I thought it would be, being the first of the month! It amazes me that people still come into a bank and pay bills over the counter, we were quite busy on the desks too, shouldnt complain I guess as at least the day went quickly. Got home quite late then straight out for gym ball, came home and I was so tired and a bit achy that I had my tea, watched a bit of tv then went to bed, didnt want to get up this morning though!
Hopefully the house should all be going through for Phillip, great as I get my house back again, also going to get it decorated then shop for new furniture as I wont even have a bed when he goes, he said he would leave it all for me, but I quite like the idea of furnishing myself, plus that way it will all be mine too! Then he should be able to start the ball running for Svetas visa, we are hoping that she is able to come before Christmas. Be nice to spend the day with them, although I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be in the kitchen cooking as she isnt used to making English fare, I dont mind though as I enjoy cooking Christmas dinner, think its the easiest meal to make, gosh am I going to get into trouble with some women!
Anyway, whats on for this week? There are some houses that I want to look at, some are up for auction but I think that we need to go a bit further afield really. Lots of walking, netball. Actually not that much this week, which makes a nice change, I will try and be about a bit more here this week, be nice to catch up and have a gossip!
Well best run....
Posted by
7:50 am
As I really must be at work early today, Tom is back from his holiday and as I havnt seen him for a week ive really missed him! Plus I have a lot of the stuff he left me to do to give back to him so best get there early so we can catch up.
Uhm w/e has been very quiet which has been a nice change, just been chilling out, worked Saturday which was manic! So needed a rest after that! Lots of territory wars going on in the garden at the moment, silly birds.
Got to run, will post more later!
Posted by
8:05 am
I tend to clean out my boxes late afternoon that way if they do get up they dont get in to too much trouble, although they never have. If there is a hog in the box it gets popped in another box, I tend to do one at a time, if they are very bad then they get washed out and left for a few days, if not too bad they get brushed out and new bedding in, I use a very mile disinfectant the type you clean feeders with but diluted, most dont have any smell to them. Hope that helps!
Posted by
7:48 am
Netball tonight and as the nights have drawn in, we are now hiring an indoor court! This means that we can play through the winter! Its a full size court so should feel the difference tonight when I come home.
Man is feeling better thank God! I was a bit worried last night that I was coming down with the same, but managed to hold it off for now, bit sniffy but not too bad.
Its blinkin nippy out there this morning though, brrrgghhhh. I will start to put more food out for the birds, I had cut back to try and lessen the visits from the sprawk and as I havnt seen a visit for a while I might be safe to up the food again ready for the winter. I still have too many blackbirds for my garden though, so imagine that we will get some battles soon for the garden.
Hogs are still coming and using their boxes, I cleaned them and put new bedding in at the w/e, put a fair bit of bedding in too keep them warm over the winter. They are all nice and round, fingers crossed no late ones, although the shed is ready if there are...
Posted by
7:52 am
in bed, cant breathe has been up all night coughing and has a temperature. Just waiting til 8 am then I can get him a doctors appointment, well I can ring the engaged phone for about 15 mins then get through, its a nightmare!
Talking of appointments, got my check up at the dentist and hygienist to book, plus my eyes need doing again! I will have to get some new glasses this year as mine are about warn out, unless they can put new arms on the ones they have ?!? Not looking forward to seeing the hygienist as im sure she will tell me off, ive been really good with my routine, but there are some teeth that I just cant get too as well as the others, as I have a small mouth. I even considered going to another one before going there, silly I know, but I hate getting in bother! Still got to be done, nothing more important to me than my hygiene! Im a shower once normally twice a day gal! Oh what I really love is Sundays, I wash the bed clothes on Sunday, then have a bath, shave etc...ooooh its lovely getting in crisp clean bedding when you are all squeaky clean yourself, makes me wriggle just thinking about it!
Still cant shift the blinkin cough I have though, I might even have to think about giving up smoking! Ok I thought about it and decided bad idea, I would need a mountain of sweets to give up and that would do me more harm than good im sure!
Well best get on the phone to the docs, I will try and put another photo on whilst im waiting to get through!
Posted by
7:52 am
Where has the time gone again, all I seem to post on here are catch ups! Last week was major manic at work, we were short so always seems worse, been walking with Jan, netball, looking at houses etc etc.
Met up with Jan on Thursday evening and had rather a nice Chinese meal...yum yum, nice to catch up and have a good old gossip! You know what us women are like when we get together!
Friday the fair was here, I was home late after working and walking so stayed in that night, drank wine with Phillip and had a nice meal.
Saturday I spent the whole day just relaxing and pottering about, lovely.
Saturday night I went out and had a good night, came home in the early hours of Sunday! Im such a stop out !
Sunday, housework and washing!
Today Im doing business work and waiting for the gas man to come and change the meter over so could be here some time!
This week, busy as ever, Phillip wants to get fit again, soooooo Im now going to be up in the mornings walking too as thats the only time I can fit anything else in! Quick calculations means I will be walking about 20 odd miles per week! Phillip actually said Saturday night as I was getting ready to go out he was worried as it looks like some one has stolen my arse! I dont think they have though.
Talking about the old weight loss, he was also telling me that he was listening to the radio and they was talking about BMI and that if they calculated the rugby teams BMI they would all be classed as obese!!!! Due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat, so the more you tone up the chances are the more you will weight on the scales and still be obese! Hmmmm I think they need a new calculation, me I stopped weighing myself about a month ago, Im now going on body shape and fitting into clothes. Im happy with my shape although still a bit more to come off on the tummy and love handles, but they are last to go on me so Im not unduly worried. I just love the fact that I have more energy, I wouldnt have been able to do all that I do now carrying the extra weight! I have more confidence, I like to look in the mirror before I go out and think hey who's that hot chick! Ha ha!!!
No being serious I know some over weight people who tell me they are happy with their size and like being larger, however I dont believe them, as its not really the way you look as at any size you can look good, but its the way you feel inside thats the deal breaker for me. What also is great is the people that I help too, I get such a buzz from them being happier and being able to fit into their old clothes again. I actually got star of the week last week from work, not only for my performance but for helping the team and starting exercise after work with them, plus sorting out their diets...ha ha!
Oh well, best crack on as have lots to do, guess the gas man will come last thing during the day, typical as I want to go out and get a bit of shopping! Gym ball tonight...Horrrayyyy!!!
Posted by
10:57 am
He didnt make it, the shock was too much,,,,,,ah I tried
Posted by
9:45 pm
Now its a nice and sunny day out there, but aint half nippy! Think that winter is on its way. However I do like these crisp sunny autumn mornings, makes me think about snuggling up in warm jumpers and coats. Getting wrapped up in scarves and gloves. Think I will buy a nice new winter coat today, something snugly. Its this time of year that I wish I had a real fire again, something so cosy about sitting in front and smelling the coal.......ohh dreaming again!
Then again I am thinking about booking another holiday for November!! Unsure as yet as to where I would go, possibly the Algarve, dunno as yet.
Oh dear got to run..
Posted by
7:57 am
As I guessed things got a wee bit mad to the back end of last week, too be honest too much food and wine was consumed, working as well meant that by Sunday an almighty hang over occurred! Still it was great fun and nice to go out with different people doing different things, my drink intake has now stopped again!
Oh talking of Sunday, had a green woodpecker in the garden, normally a cool thing as a new tick! However the poor thing had a very broken wing, feathers missing too. Managed to get a number of a local lady who came round to collect him, she is going to try a splint on the wind, lets just hope poor thing gets over the shock, he couldn't fly at all and was quite scared. Although very happy to just wander about the garden digging for ants. Really dont know what would have happened.
More sprawk attacks the latest was a collard dove, the bird came back to eat, picked up the dove dropped in the bird bath to wash the dove then plucked, amazing if not a little weird and not nice to see.
Hogs are all doing well, still got about 5 coming each night which is cool, they are all very healthy too which is fantastic!
Uhm what else, I am sure there is more, I havnt really been home of late, need a few nights at home to get some stuff sorted here and too also start my new plans!
Oh well I will think of some more stuff tomorrow....
Posted by
8:44 pm
Well the heat is finally coming out of my legs, but it is being replaced by blisters on my shins, my legs are in desperate need of a shave but I darent! Still dont understand though as I was so careful on holiday not too burn, as I dont like getting burnt. Guess it was the walking about on the last day and not being as careful as I was through out the week, ah well.
Being back has been hard, im very post holiday blueish. Work is an incredible bind, I just want to be by that sea again. Mind at least I have Canada to look forward too, as soon as Jan can give me a date I will be booking it off from work for next year, I tell you when I think about it I get such a grin on my face!!!
Bit of a mad week this week, as I do know several people now and they are all different types of people I am doing the birthday thing in a few stages, tonight im going out for a nice sensible dinner, tomorrow a few drinks down town, then saturday a few more drinks! Sunday Phill will cook me dinner! Phew, best put in some extra walking this week! Im actually quite impressed that I didnt put that much weight on during holiday, I was quite sensible in the food intake though so that would have helped.
Well best be on me way...
Posted by
7:51 am
happen to me! No problems with packing, got to the airport, picked up tickets all well so far. Plane journey was fab had 2 empty seats next to me, so chilled out. Got to Madeira, bags ok walked through to meet taxi! Hmm, get the number out and after 3 calls, I got my taxi, was thinking ok it was only booked yesterday so they might not have got the order.
Gets to the hotel to be told that my room was cancelled by the people that I had booked it with, now I’m panicking thinking it was a con, that I’ve booked somewhere and they haven’t but taken my money. It was ok though as it was on the credit card so protected. Then I thought can’t be right as I wouldn’t have got my flight tickets. Phone the credit card company checked that the payments had been authorised, they had, and completely lost it was too late to phone the people that I had booked with. Only thing I could do was hand over my passport so they could fill out their police report, have dinner, few vinos and bed! Luckily they had rooms available else it would have been the beach for me!
Well over the next couple of days a few phone calls from me to the agent, one where I had to get rather stroppy and tell them if it wasn’t sorted out that I would pay the hotel direct and cancel the payment to them, it was sorted!
Anyway the holiday was great, it was hot (I’m soooooooo brown), peaceful and such a lovely island. My days were spent walking in the hills, or sitting on the promenade. I would find a back street cafe and attempt to order a drink! Evenings was out in the village find some where to eat (the food was good) then back for a few wines and bed.
The place is beautiful and the people really friendly, it’s not touristy at all, you fall into place with the locals and there way of life which was family orientated and festivals, they had festivals for anything and everything, including chestnuts!!!
Of course the flight home was set to be a disaster; I got really bad prickerly heat even though the last day I was covered up. The pain was that bad at some point over Spain I nearly asked for them to stop the plane as I couldn’t stand it any longer!
Well that enough for now, I will tell more as the days go on, I will also attempt to put a few photos up tonight, the rest will go on the other site, will let you know when they are done, but I have a full week ahead this week as I’m celebrating my birthday, got 4 nights out planned so will get round to it at some point!!
Posted by
9:52 pm
Boooked it, packed it, ******* off tomorrow!!
See you when I get back!
Posted by
6:41 pm
As I have to get to the docs this morning to pick up my scrip and as normal I have been dillying about busy doing not much! Well its Friday which means two more days at work then im off! No still haven't decided what to do on that at the moment, friend of mine is happy im not going as it means I will be here for my birthday, not that im keen on that!
What was I going to say..oh yeah la la update she is still feeding each night, which is great, there is a god awful mess in the box this morning, ive cleaned out a lot but will have to do the rest later, wish they wouldn't poo in there, lovely to do that first thing in the morning!!!
Best run...
Posted by
8:01 am
A lady I work with 3 years (coming up) ago, got burnt by a fire work, she was in the kitchen at the time, when a fire work went wrong came through the back door, heading towards her daughter. Of course she got in the way and it badly burnt her chest and neck. Well being the brave soul that she is she has got over it, she doesnt have a lot of luck bless her and she now has to have about 10 operations to sort it all out, including a boob reduction and lift!
Anyway, she has been down of late, over the ops and the fact she has put weight on, so ive been trying to help her out with the diet issues, saying whats best to eat and whats not. She really wants to go to the gym, but I think that it will be too much for her chest as it will really stretch it and think it will hurt her. Sooooo we are now walking two miles twice a week, did the first walk tonight, not too far or fast as she hasnt done any exercise for some while so it would be a shock to her legs!
This means more walking for me which is cool, plus will give me a buzz to see that she is loosing weight, getting fit and generally feeling better in herself!
Posted by
8:23 pm
....Ive added a new link to a fellow hog person, now thats not that Ali is only about hogs! Dont think that she will mind, but its not often that I do meet people on my level (thats not an insult), but some one who not only cares about hogs, but is a genuine person, thats important. Anyway, have a look at her blog!
What else, well just been outside and dids is in the garden, he has 2 choices of where he can eat now, sit in restaurant or take think Im kidding! They are eating better than ever! You can really tell in their poo, which they kindly leave for me to clean up, 7am in the morning shovelling poo, I must be madder than a mad thing on a mad day!
What else?..still no joy on holiday, decided to decided on the saturday night, that way, its either book it or uhm ****** it!
Work is still cool, so nice to be stress less, well less stressful at work, has really made a difference in how I am feeling too. Some times you dont realise the pressure you are under until that pressure is lifted.
Some more about Friday, lets just say there was four of us in an hotel room......enough said, but I did come home with honour in tact! Actually it was such a laugh that night, love nights like that, where something is made from not much. It does remind me of when I was in my teens, doing stuff like that, not harmful but bloody funny! See I am going through a mid life crisis! It almost feels like ive been asleep for a few years and now im waking up.
Well best wind this up...
Posted by
8:54 pm
Uhm no, but back to work I will get really confused! Still nice short week then im on hols, talking of which I can not find a holiday to where I want to go. I have looked at other ones, but they just arnt the same, now Im wondering whether to postpone until a bit later, I have plenty of holiday left..decisions decisions...
La la (hog I released) came back again last night she has found the food so hopefully she will stick about, but I do hope that she doesnt have a late litter, although if the weather man is right we are set for a mild time now, so think there will be lots of late babies about. My baby is still about, called him Dids as he is small, he has taken up one of the boxes too which is cool, not sure he has ventured out the garden as yet, which is also cool! Ali made a very good point about the hogs will now be protected, but that shouldnt stop the interaction we have now, I really do not know what they will be able to do. There is lots I would like them to do, one thing ban slug pelletts, which will make the slugs happy! I dont know what will happen, I will carry on doing what I can to help them thats for sure.
Phillip has been offered a job in Quatar, looks a nice place but he is unsure. I dont think that it will be the right move for them as he will have to work for some one and do lots of hours, he will never get any family time, not sure that he is too keen either, we will see. The house is still going ahead though, so soon I shall have my house back, for wild parties and nights of naughtiness...ha ha ha ha!!
Well best be off, man is moaning at me as I am going to be late again!
Posted by
7:55 am
although im unsure as to what this will actually mean
Posted by
10:46 am
Blimey that's 4 days over in a blink! As I thought Friday was a bit of a mad one, first one with out having work the next day, enough said I wasnt home til 7 am! or was it 7.30? Anyway apart from having a very scarier man threaten me with the police and newspapers...I have no idea why! Oh he also told me he had morals, this was after telling me if wanted to uhm do some thing to me I wont mention on here! Luckily I was rescued and it didn't spoil the rest of the night! It has made me think though that if something is meant to be then it will be. I kinda really like some one and its tough on me at points, but I dunno, if its meant to be then it will be, no point worrying about it!
Uhm Saturday was spent chilling out, lack of sleep and all that! Sunday got the house straight and some other stuff. Today Derrek came over with the mum I rescued, she has stopped feeding the babies so he bought her back to be released. Ive been up and down for the last hour seeing if she is up yet!
There is so much more I could say, but I need to crack on and book me holiday!!! WHOO HOOOOO!!!!
Posted by
9:01 pm
.....for the weekend to be here!! WHoooooo hooooooo its friday and at 5 pm I will have 4 days off YAY!!!!
Last night one of my girl hogs had to come in as she has an infected toe, looks like she has caught her nail and it has been pulled out, the toe is quite swollen poor thing. I have cleaned it all up but let her go as I cant take the risk that she might have babes some where. She is a big hog and in good condition so am sure she can fight it, I will catch again in two days and clean it again. It is really difficult to handle them when they are big as they are very strong too, not so bad when you are treating the back, but try and get a leg is so hard, luckily she responded to the hold her nose down trick as her little legs kept popping out and was able to put my fingers under her leg and with the help of looking in the mirror could clean it all up. Too be fair it doesn't look to bad, but will keep cleaning as I would hate it the flies were to get at her, not that, that is likely but its in my head so I will worry about it.
Busy weekend ahead, oh last night went for an italian, it was lovely I ate far too much as normal but yum yum yum yum. Got a few things I could do tonight and I cant make up my mind as normal...will think on that today!!!
Posted by
7:58 am
Last night I was looking in the hog feeding box and there was a hog in there from 9pm to when I went to bed. I did a quick check over and he was fine. Phillip says I was worrying too much and it was because it was blowing a gale and raining that he was staying in there and snoozing! Suppose thats right after all there is lots of nice food in there and its dry and warm! Also there was a hoglet in there with him when I went to bed...awwwwww
Oh we have found another house! This one is perfect, spooky though! Night before last I was looking at houses on the net and saw one that I thought looked really nice, it was on at £240 3 beds, garage etc. I said to phill too get the details and arrange a viewing.
He called me yesterday at work to say that an agent had called him to look at the same house! Went there and it was lovely, had such a good feeling walking in there. As it turns out, we arnt even registered with that agent! How did he get our number! Plus the house is different to the one I looked at, yet on the same road, plus its on at £210 a steal! He is under orders from Sveta to put in an offer today! I dont want them missing out on this one as I really think that there are too many signs saying this is the one! It will be a great family home for them.
Well best shoot, long day today, then im out for dinner tonight, still not sure if I really want to go, but will as it should be fun!
Posted by
8:00 am